Climate Time Machine

Suddenly everyone is joining in with climate protection

Become a part of the solution in companies, NGOs, communities, schools or with friends and family!

Our Solution

Journey Through the Global Climate

Our online simulation, Climate Time Machine, takes you on a group journey into the future, allowing you to vividly and interactively experience the global climate up to the year 2100.


In the group, you will experience the dynamics of time travel rife with emotions, intense exchanges and discussions, and in a safe space. You are not alone with your feelings and questions pertaining to this complex topic.

Climate Action

The Climate Time Machine makes it the participants' concern to champion climate protection. They move out of their wait-and-see approach and into action.







Experience climate impacts and change them through gamification

With the Climate Time Machine, participants generate their climate future together in fast motion through their personal, political and business decisions stored in the simulation. The system extrapolates these into their individual, group and social CO2 footprint.

These emissions are then used by a real climate model and a gigantic scientific climate impact database to generate a probable climate future. For example, if participants decide to fly more or less, this changes the emissions and thus the future shown by the Climate Time Machine – right down to zip code level.

Whether you are a sustainability manager, student, citizen, executive or policy maker, the Climate Time Machine gives you the knowledge and awareness you need to make a difference. Take control of your future with climate time travel!

Scientific support from PIK


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SCIARA is delighted to have the prominent support of Prof. Dr. Johann Rockström and the renowned Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). PIK’s scientific contribution ensures realistic simulation results!

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