Climate Time Travel

Climate Time Machine: What do you want your future to look like?

Immerse yourself. Gain insight. Experience. Act.

Discover a fascinating journey into the climate future with SCIARA’s Climate Time Machine. Teamed up with other travelers, you will experience first-hand how the climate crisis could affect your life. Test how your decisions and lifestyle influence the climate and make social decisions together.

This interactive online simulation is based on scientific models which allows you to feel the impacts first hand – a unique way to better understand the climate and your influence on it.

Quick video overview of the simulation

In just a few minutes, the following video shows how the Climate Time Machine works.

Much more than a CO2 footprint calculator - a glimpse into the future

Imagine being a climate protector
- and everyone joining in!

Discover how you can become active on your own and with fellow travelers.

During the simulation you make decisions that can be adapted to the changes in your life circumstances.

Explore the impact of your decisions on consumption, nutrition, investments, travel, housing and mobility. Participate in voting on policy measures.

Find out where your limits are, what effect your actions have and what comes easy to you.

Use the opportunity to communicate, exchange ideas and discuss with other participants.

Initiate action, vote on political measures and experience the positive and negative consequences, both for yourself and your fellow travelers.

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